

初めまして、R-Hack編集室です。本コーナー「働くかたち」では、楽天コマーステックで働く様々な人たちにスポットライトをあて、紹介していくコーナーです。※写真撮影時のみマスクを外して撮影しています 今回紹介する人:楽天市場 商品ページ開発チームのプ…



A new member joined the Rakuten Ichiba Product Manager Section!

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. In this “Work Style” series, we will highlight and introduce the variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce Tech. *The mask was taken off only for the picture. Introducing: Segawa-san, Product M…

Tetsu of CCQA, responsible for the QA (Quality Assurance) of Rakuten Commerce Tech

Hi, everyone. This is R-Hack editorial office. There are a variety of people working here at Rakuten Group. In this “Work Style” series, I would like to introduce each team in Rakuten Commerce Company, through the voices of the people work…