Hi! Today let us tell you about the “U-turn / I-turn” (recruiting people who wish to return to their hometown or people who wish to move out of big cities to rural areas) event hosted by Commerce Tech division, targeting for engineers.
Currently Commerce Company has development offices in Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, and Fukuoka in addition to the headquarter in Tokyo. We held a “Meet Up” event in our Tokyo HQ where employees from those 6 offices came to meet people who are currently in Tokyo but plan/wish to work in local cities in future.
A Cozy event
At the event people enjoyed mingling each other with a glass of drink, and they could choose which table to go, where tables were labeled by the local office name.
It is best to ask questions about each office to people who are working there! The event was held with rather a small number of people so they could enjoy a cozy atmosphere.
We received many positive feedback from attendees saying “the event was very good and we could chat a lot with Rakuten employees very closely”, etc., which made us feel so relieved. We sincerely thank those who attended the event, and thank Rakutenians who gathered from regional offices!
First, First, First!!
There were some “First time trials” with this event.
The first “first time trial” is this event itself.
We planned this event in order to support people who are required to leave Tokyo or who are interested in working in local cities so they can be familiar with our 6 regional offices throughout Japan. We believed there should be many people in Tokyo who would be interested in working for our branch offices and hoped to be of any help for them, whilst we were in mixed feeling of anticipation and expectation about this event.
The second “first trial” was the announcement via Connpass!
We have published the information about this event via third-party service, handled by ourselves, i.e.by the Commerce Tech team. We used to rely on other division/departments for these kind of event arrangements but we will do this by ourselves from now onwards!
Please watch out for upcoming events on Connpass ; follow “commerce-tech-event”!
What’s the merit in working at regional offices?
Did you know the compensation range for engineers at Rakuten are the same regardless of your work location? Also the employee benefits are mostly the same whether you work in Tokyo HQ or in other local sites. You could enjoy the merit of low living costs in local cities with same level of salary as Rakuten engineers in Tokyo.
Comments from Rakuten regional offices employees
Sasamon and Polco from Rakuten Fukuoka office attended the event and commented as below:
We found that there are quite many people who are purely interested in working in local cities, rather than “forced to move to local cities by personal reasons”. I think one of the merits with working in IT industry is that you can work from anywhere. I hope we will have more happy people if we would not be bound by the location you live, so you can do your favorite work from your favorite place, and you will grow via your work.
Your lifestyle, not only your work, will dramatically change once you decide to do the U/I/J-turn job change. You would be facing many issues such as difference in living environment that are specific to the move into local cities. It is important you examine all those issues and concerns very well in advance.
We hope this kind of event would help people considering a change in their life by listening to Rakuten employees who are actually working in regional sites and gather the “real” information to have more specific image about how it would be, and be confident in making the first step.
Message to R-Hack readers
We believe it is one of the merits with working as an engineer that you can work at any location. Also the current trend is people can work regardless of work location or working hours – hope this event would be a trigger for the participants to start thinking about their new work-style.
More events are coming in Commerce Company so we could cheer up local offices and news about those events will be shared on R-hack. Please watch out!