Hello! This is R-Hack team.
We have launched the “R-Hack” web magazine so we can release various kinds of news and stories about Technology Development for services at Rakuten Commerce Company.
Our articles will cover a lot of ‘cool’ topics including:
“People”, “Working Style”, “Culture”, and “Work Environment” etc.,
so we can deliver our messages about
-What are people at Rakuten like?
-What are their faiths / beliefs for their work?
-How do people at Rakuten work?
to you in our future releases.
We, the R-Hack writers’ team, belong to Rakuten’s “Commerce Company.”
Do you know what the “Commerce Company” represents?
At Rakuten we have more than 70 services available via the internet. The Commerce Company is one of Rakuten’s Group Companies which provides services related to shopping and leisure. This includes “Rakuten Ichiba”, “Rakuten Travel”, and “Rakuma”.
What’s the Commerce Company?
Why “R-Hack”?
As it is commonly known, the word “Hack” is a technology term that means to modify programs/machines. If we expand on this definition “To smartly clarify certain things we do not know yet” - then we get the meaning behind
“Hack Rakuten” = we clarify various topics about Rakuten = we want to rename this to “R-Hack!”
Hack the people (to know more about people),
Hack the firm (to understand more about the firm), and
Hack the technology,
We are hoping to tell you about Rakuten’s technology, attractive perks,… and more! by “Hacking” Rakuten from a variety of angles.
It would be our pleasure if we could share our stories about who develops and operates our services of Rakuten with what kind of beliefs/wishes, and what are lives of engineers at Rakuten like, how they work, etc., which we think is a great opportunity for you to know about them.
You might find some RARE information that even Rakutenians (Rakuten employees) do not know!?
If you are a Rakutenian – you should also keep an eye on R-Hack too!
Hope you will enjoy our future articles!