Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. In this “Work Style” series, we will highlight and introduce the variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce & Marketing Company Development Department(C&M Company TECH).
Junli studied in the international environment of Kyoto University while also experiencing traditional Japanese culture, deepened his field of expertise, and then advanced from University of Tsukuba to Rakuten Group.
✔ To Kyoto University, to study computer science
✔ Deciding factors to join Rakuten Group: company philosophy and balance between work and family life
✔ Enhance both work and family life with own expertise and new personal connections
Joined Rakuten Group mid-career in June 2022
Data Scientist in Data Intelligence Office, Platform Solution Section, Travel Development Department
Origin… Taiwan
Hobby… Taking walks, travelling
I like to take walks with my family on my days off. I also love to go on trips and am planning one now.
To Kyoto University, to study computer science
――Can you start by introducing yourself?
I’m Junli from Taiwan, which is one of the most beautiful places in the world.Recently, we faced another new challenge of Covid-19, so I hope that it will settle down soon.
I often take walks with my family in nearby parks on my days off.We’d love to go on an exciting trip sometime soon!
――What brought you to Japan?
I graduated from Kyoto University with a PhD in computer science, and then found a job in Japan.The reason why I studied at Kyoto University was because I wanted to learn computer science from a professor at Kyoto University who was well known in database and information retrieval.
Studying in Kyoto University’s international environment was also attractive to me.
Outside of the university, Kyoto is a place where you can experience traditional Japanese culture.I was able to receive a lot of good stimulation in my daily life.
――Please tell us about your previous job.
Before joining Rakuten Group, I participated in a project to create creative content using AI as a postdoctoral researcher at the Digital Nature Laboratory led by Associate Professor Yoichi Ochiai of University of Tsukuba.
In this project, we developed AI to create Japanese novels and AI to create illustrative images from textual descriptions.It was very impressive to see how students and researchers collaborated with each other in research and development.
Deciding factors to join Rakuten Group: company philosophy and balance between work and family life
――Why did you decide to join Rakuten?
The vision, philosophy, and culture of Rakuten Group were key factors.
I appreciate Rakuten Group’s company philosophy, which is not only to create valuable services for customers, but also to contribute to sustainability in Japan and the world.
Another factor in my decision to join was the fact that it has a solid foundation as a business, so I can work here for the long term, and it is easy to balance work and family life.
――Where were you assigned to after joining?
I was assigned to the Data Intelligence Office of Rakuten Travel, where I work now as a Data Scientist.Our team is international, with not only Japanese members but Chinese and Indian members as well.
――Please tell us about your current work.
Our team’s goal is to use past big data to price hotels in a way that can maximize Rakuten Travel’s profit.To realize this, we are currently developing a system that is best for both our customers, the hotel side and user side.
However, this project has only just begun. First, we are working on a calculation logic to optimize hotel prices based on big data.
――Do you have any episodes of when you were a newcomer?
When I first joined the team, I was impressed by the greetings of my team manager (Uesugi-san) “Let’s make a big profit for Rakuten Travel by developing technologies and analyzing data!”
Our team also includes members who are strong in machine learning and mathematical optimization theory, members who are knowledgeable in marketing optimization such as advertising and coupons, and members who are experts in engineering, which enriches the daily work and conversations.
Enhance both work and family life with own expertise and new personal connections
――Please tell us about your future visions.
I’d like to utilize my technical expertise in contributing to the growth of Rakuten Group’s business.For me personally, I would like to build personal connections to fulfill my career at Rakuten Group as well as my life in Japan with my lovely family.
In the future, I would also like to share the data analysis technology I have learned in my current team, Rakuten Travel, with the new talents of the young generation, and deliver the visions, spirit, and culture of Rakuten Group to Japan and global society.
――Lastly, please give a message to those interested in joining Rakuten Group.
Thank you for your interest in Rakuten Group.
Let us start a challenging and impressive journey in Rakuten Group together!
――Thank you.