
What’s about Fukuoka branch? We will introduce the fascination of the Fukuoka branch

Hi, everyone. I am Sasamon. I am working as an engineer at Rakuten Fukuoka branch. Rakuten Group has many branches in Japan.


みなさんこんにちは、楽天福岡支社でエンジニアをしているSasamonと申します。 楽天は現在、国内に複数の支社を設置しています。 今回は楽天福岡支社についてご紹介させていただきます。

7 Ddevelopment sites Offices in Japan. Welcome “to-be” rural workers!

Hi! Today let us tell you about the “U-turn / I-turn” (recruiting people who wish to return to their hometown or people who wish to move out of big cities to rural areas) event hosted by Commerce Tech division, targeting for engineers.