
QA engineer Rina: Changing jobs to Rakuten Group seeking an environment to utilize her abilities

Rakuten Group is a global company where English is the official language within the company. Rina, who is fluent in three languages, Korean, English, and Japanese, joined Rakuten Group wanting to put her language skills to use. We asked Ri…

Assistant Manager Jackie: Rakuten Group’s environment provides opportunities to enhance your career in various positions

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. Jackie, from the Philippines, became a member of Rakuten Group when the startup she was working at was acquired by Rakuten Group. We interviewed Jackie, who was promoted to Assistant Manager after joini…

Bringing together members of various nationalities to release a new service, Rakuten DRAGON

MIP (Most Impressive Person) is one of the internal awards in Rakuten Group Commerce & Marketing Company Development Department, presented once every quarter to the people who contributed the most to the organization from among all Company…

【4Q 2022 MIP】 Reflecting user needs in functionality, contributing to service growth

MIP (Most Impressive Person) is one of the internal awards in Rakuten Group Commerce & Marketing Company Development Department, presented once every quarter to the people who contributed the most to the organization from among all Company…

Working as a Product Manager after two maternity & childcare leaves - Interview with Katsuo [Work Style]

Katsuo is the mother of two boys, one in elementary school, the other in kindergarten. She joined Rakuten Group in April 2011 as a new graduate, and after taking maternity and childcare leave, she is now working as a Product Manager in the…

Experiencing project leader in the first year – DevOps Engineer, Yama [Work Style]

Yama, who studied machine learning and molecular dynamics method, worked as an intern and part-timer while in school before joining Rakuten Group as a new graduate in April 2021. In his first year as a DevOps engineer, he served as a proje…

Different countries, different languages, but culture to learn and share is the same – Puncoz from Nepal【Mid-career member】

Puncoz joined Rakuten Group to fulfill his dream to work on large-scale system development. He hopes to utilize his seven years of SE experience gained in his home country, Nepal, to create exciting products and have a positive impact on s…

How to improve High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) capabilities of IT services ― Initiatives at Rakuten Pay (online payment): Part② ―

the Tech Lead for Rakuten Pay (online payment). In this article, I will introduce the specific initiatives we take to improve High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) in the operation of Rakuten Pay (online payment). The previous Part 1…

How to improve High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) capabilities of IT services ― Initiatives at Rakuten Pay (online payment): Part① ―

Hi, I’m Nana, the Tech Lead for Rakuten Pay (online payment). In this and the following article, I will introduce how we go about creating our High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) framework. This article will explain the approach to…

Supporting development by designing NoSQL DB for developers to work comfortably: Interview with Cynthia from Taiwan

There are a variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce & Marketing Company Development Department. Today, we interviewed Cynthia, who joined Rakuten Group in November 2019 as a new graduate engineer and is currently working as a Da…

Office environment and work style at Rakuten Group headquarters, revealed!

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. How do you imagine the office environment and work style are for the engineers working at Rakuten Group? Some may think it may not be so good. For example, “I’m sure they sit and work in front of a comp…

My Attraction to the Unknown Possibilities of Data Made Me a Data Engineer: Interview with Spencer from Guangzhou, China [Mid-Career]

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. Today, let me introduce to you Spencer from China, who newly joined Rakuten Group in February 2023!

The Perfect Work-Life Balance and Great Passion for Work: Interview with Tufi from Pakistan [Work Style]

Hi, this is R-Hack Editorial office.There are a variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce & Marketing Company Development Department.Today, we interviewed Tufi from Pakistan, who newly joined Rakuten Group in November 2022.

My Challenges in Pursuit of Becoming a Great Engineer: Interview with Chris from the Philippines

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. There are a variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce& Marketing Company Development Department. Today, let me introduce to you Chris from the Philippines, who newly joined Rakuten Group in Dec…

Empathy with Rakuten Group’s Company Philosophy: Interview with Junli from Taiwan [Work Style]

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. In this “Work Style” series, we will highlight and introduce the variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce & Marketing Company Development Department(C&M Company TECH). Junli studied in the int…

Hidden dangers of mutation

Hi, this is Trueman, an Application Engineer working at Rakuten Group's Branch. I've written some articles before about some interesting and useful things we've done here that you might also want to try for yourself. This time I'd like to …

Working in One of Japan’s Largest Global Company: Interview with Enzo from Scotland [Work Style]

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. In this “Work Style” series, we will highlight and introduce the variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce Tech.

Cleaning up SpringBootTest DB connection leak with @DirtiesContext

Hi, this is Trueman, an Application Engineer working at Rakuten Group's Branch. I want to share a story about an issue that took 2 whole days of investigating and troubleshooting to resolve. Hopefully this can save you the time and frustra…

My 1st year at Rakuten Car Auction team

Hi, this is Jaycen from Car Auction team. I joined Rakuten in April 2021 and worked on Car Auction team since August 2021. Today, I’d like to share my experience at Car Auction team as the latest comer in the team. IntroductionI came from …


Hello, I am Burak, an application architect and currently working as the Lead SRE for the Rakuten Car Auction Service. My role is to support our team by providing system architecture guidance and ensure high system reliability for our prod…

Released English Version of Open Position Search Page

Hello. This is R-Hack editorial office. Today I’d like to announce you that we have released the English version of the Open Position Search Page. What is the Open Position Search Page?・ All of open positions in Rakuten Commerce Company a…

How I learned Kubernetes

Hello, this is Nick from EC Incubation Development Department.I am very glad to share my Kubernetes learning experience here. What is Kubernetes A platform more than just managing containers. A platform supported by most clouds system. A p…


My name is Pavan and I am an iOS engineer working in Rakuten Ichiba App team which belongs to Commerce TECH, my responsibility is to provide architecture direction, technical support and build tools, which save developers effort. This is m…

Becoming a Hiring Manager

Hello. This is Idel from Osaka Branch.I joined Rakuten in late 2015 as an Engineer. One year later I switched to Project Management and then got an additional role as Vice-Group Manager the following year.In this article I would like to sh…

The Art of Retrospecting

Hello. This is Idel from Rakuten Osaka Branch. Please allow me to share my experience about Retrospective. A few years ago, I change my career path from Software Engineer to Project Manager and have since tried different framework, methodo…

Rakuten Ichiba : Our journey towards Best E-Commerce App

Our team works on bringing the best user experience as well integrating Rakuten services along with adapting to latest technologies. Brief Introduction: As a tech e-commerce giant with the tagline Shopping is Entertainment, our goal is to …

Tetsu of CCQA, responsible for the QA (Quality Assurance) of Rakuten Commerce Tech

Hi, everyone. This is R-Hack editorial office. There are a variety of people working here at Rakuten Group. In this “Work Style” series, I would like to introduce each team in Rakuten Commerce Company, through the voices of the people work…

A new member joined the Rakuten Ichiba Product Manager Section!

Hi, this is R-Hack editorial office. In this “Work Style” series, we will highlight and introduce the variety of people working here at Rakuten Commerce Tech. *The mask was taken off only for the picture. Introducing: Segawa-san, Product M…

RDS: Automating Designer-to-Developer Handoff

Hi, this is Gian from the E-Commerce Mobile Architect Group. The mission of our group is to improve productivity by creating tools to automate tasks and providing technical support for the e-commerce mobile app development teams. In this a…

Revealing the newcomer training program

Hi, everyone. This is R-Hack editorial office. New graduates who joined Rakuten in April 2021 have been assigned to their respective departments in August and have started their work. The new graduates at Rakuten Commerce Tech received var…

Who was awarded the first MIP at Commerce Tech!? A close-up of the winners

Hi, everyone. This is Yumi from R-Hack editorial office. Rakuten Commerce Tech has decided to choose two MIPs out of all 1,800 Commerce Tech employees once every quarter from 2021. This time, I would like to introduce the two winners of th…

Introducing AltSwiftUI in Rakuten Travel

Let me start with the introduction of Mobile App Community. Mobile App Community is an internal community inside Rakuten Commerce TECH, which consists of representative engineering leads from >20 mobile app products. Across borders of orga…

The key to working abroad is to “know what you want to do”

Rakuten has been working on “diversity” for many years, including the adoption of English as the official language. Currently, there are 25,000 people working in the entire Rakuten Group (as of March 2021), and the percentage of people wit…

From OJT to job assignment - We followed the footsteps of Done [Rakuten Travel] for half a year

How do you do? This is Ryo from R-hack editorial office. In the “Inside Culture” section which will start from this post, we will spotlight and introduce various employees working at Rakuten Commerce Tech. Done is from Xian Province, China…

Commerce Tech welcomes 56 new grads! How ceremonies are held during the time of COVID-19

Hi, everyone. This is R-hack editorial office.It’s April and 56 new graduates for 2021 have joined Commerce Tech.Unlike the business side, the development side doesn’t hold welcoming ceremonies.There’s no welcoming ceremonies because the d…

My two months experience as an intern at Rakuma

(*Masks were taken off for the picture only.) Hi, this is kagaffy! I worked at Rakuma as an iOS engineer from January to March 2021. It was in fact the first time Rakuma had taken an intern, but thanks to everyone’s kindness and support, I…

What are the key points to “#remote work”? We held an event to introduce remote work development methods.

Hi, everyone. The chilly season is here! In September, Commerce Tech held an online event to share tips for working from home. Many people who are working from home due to the spread of the novel coronavirus are confused by the new way of …

How to quickly conduct a PoC – Introduction of method

Hi, this is Tetsu. If you are engaged in application development, you may be asked by your boss or business manager to develop applications quickly in order to respond to user needs and stay ahead of competing businesses. Especially nowada…

The “success guarantor” of products. What is the job of a product manager?

Hello! This is R-Hack team. Do you know a job called “product manager”? It is abbreviated as PDM and is meant to be the guarantor of the success of a product. This time we had an interview with Taku who works as a PDM. R-Hack - Hi, thank y…

Rakuten Commerce QA Night#2 was held

Hi everyone. This is R-Hack editorial office. The days have gotten a lot longer.When I wake up in the morning and open the curtain, the sun is bright and I feel that summer is near.Commerce Tech recently held a Tech event for QA. The event…

To become the department which is not afraid to make change Yasu’s challenge to lead Leisure Product

Hello, this is Sakadai from R-Hack editorial office. Today, we would like to interview Yasu-san, who is a director of Leisure Product Department (LPD). We hope you enjoy it! General Manager of Leisure Product DepartmentYasu-san Sakadai Tha…

Attention, engineers! Development learning courses for creating valuable services

Hi, everyone. This is R-Hack editorial office. If you are interested in becoming a Commerce Company engineer, this is a must read! Here, I will introduce various skill development courses that support the development skills of Rakuten engi…

Everything is for all who are involved in the business! – Challenge by ECBD

Hi, this is Sakadai from R-Hack team. Today’s article is about the interview with Kane, the Manager of EC Market Place Business Support Development Department (abbreviated as ECBD). Please enjoy! General Manager of EC Market Place Business…

Excellent employees have excellent friends! We hold the referral event

As part of countermeasures for coronavirus, Rakuten will implement following measures We hold this event before the enforcement of those measures.Event Date:November, 2019Currently, Rakuten voluntarily refrained from participating in event…

What’s the most popular article on R-Hack? Here are our top five articles!

Hello! This is R-Hack editorial office. R-Hach has introduced a variety of articles like Commerce Tech employees, their work style, facilities and system of Rakuten, and culture, and more. Today, we would like to announce our top five arti…

It seems better to have a Unique constraint on the database side when guaranteeing the uniqueness of data

Hello. I am Toyonaga from Rakuma. I continue to hit against the wall with competitive programming. When do you make a Unique constraint on a database? I had a conversation like this with my senior in the past. This is the scene where I was…

Where is the most comfortable meeting room in your home?

Where is the most comfortable meeting room in your home? Thank you for visiting R-Hack. This time, I wrote the second article about working from home. Please enjoy it! How have you been spending your time recently? This is Freddie. I am a …

rails x puma-dev x puma server environment

Hello, My name is Zoe, a server side engineer in Rakuma. I like to polish my sneakers these days. This post is about Rails x puma-dev x puma server environment. The original motivation for this post is my laggy local Rails environment with…

Career development of Tech Internal Open Position System

Hi everyone. This is R-Hack editorial office. Have you thought “I want to try something different.”, or ”I am interested in the job of the department.” when you have been working at the same division? This time, we will introduce you an “I…

Logistics will change the future of e-commerce! EC Logistics Development Department

Hello, this is Sakadai from R-Hack editorial office. Today, I would like to interview K-san, who is the General Manager of the EC Logistics Development Department. Please enjoy! General Manager of EC Logistics Development Department K-san …